Monday, October 4, 2010

Common Wealth Games : Some questions

Really felt proud in seeing the opening ceremony of the CWG 2010....Indian bureaucrats pulled out a spectacular start of the games.....all was colorful....marvelous, flawless, superb, unbelievable....adjectives will go on.....but there are still some thoughts which I felt sharing with you all......

  1. This event showed that even politicians can do what they want....but they must have a will......are the outsiders bring this will out of them to work and showcase.....why can't this work out for us, citizens of India...
  2. Could see all MCD guys out cleaning the this just part of the CWG show....this infact should have had happened....don't we deserve cleanliness...?
  3. Traffic has been controlled.....we had a much smoother ride to offices this morning.....can this that people are forced to use public transport , metro and reduce vehicles on the road....
Why are we treating citizens of this country different from the foreigners...are we too eager to show that we are best...though we may hide our worst behind the scenes.....not sure if this should be called a racist attitude towards our nation....

I don't have the answers....but looking you have.....

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